Category Archives: Retirement Plans

Vanguard shows record savings

A Vanguard published report found that the average participant deferral rate matched the historic high of 7.4% in 2023. When combined with employer contributions, the average participant’s savings rate kept pace with the all-time high of 11.7%, reached in 2022. … Continue reading

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CITs gaining ground in the 401(k) space

For about a 25-year run, mutual funds dominated the 401(k) market, but signs are changing. A recent Cerulli report indicates CITs (Collective Investment Trusts) are currently on pace to overtake mutual funds as the most popular target-date vehicle in 2024, … Continue reading

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Committees need a dedication to the process

The best retirement plan committees I’ve seen are dedicated to the process. That means regularly scheduled meetings, a documented record, and adherence to board policies. I will always say that having no committee is better than having a committee that … Continue reading

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The inefficiency of plan design

When you start fixing up the house (for me, a never-ending battle) and replacing appliances or items like the front door or the roof, you realize that the replacements are more energy-efficient. Replacing that old refrigerator or that washing machine … Continue reading

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Plan provisions that every 401(k) plan should have

I probably have drafted and amended thousands of plans over the years and every plan has its little quirks. When it comes to plan design, I have always believed that some of the bundled providers have it wrong. There is … Continue reading

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Your reputation is everything

I have been practicing in the employee benefits world for almost 26 years and the beauty of it is that you learn something new every day. The laws and regulations change, attitudes change, and the business is constantly in a … Continue reading

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The skin in the game

The reason I charge $100 a person (or usually $50 a person if they bring multiple people) to my live events is rather simple. It’s not about drawing money. I want to guarantee attendance. I’ve been to too many events … Continue reading

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It takes effort to be mean

As I mentioned elsewhere, I took my daughter on a day trip to FanExpo Boston to meet her favorite actor, Mads Mikkelsen, and other stars including Marisa Tomei and Vincent D’Onofrio (boy did I love him on Law & Order: … Continue reading

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Some participants have no idea they’re not deferring

According to a survey by Principal, 59% of employees who are not contributing to their 401k or other workplace plan believe they are. Another 77% think they began saving after becoming eligible to contribute. These are incredible results and show … Continue reading

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A committee is all about managing personalities

I have seen so much organization dysfunction in my life and it probably dates back to some of the organizations I was a part of, as a college student at Stony Brook. When you’re 18 to 22, you don’t have … Continue reading

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