This Friday’s candle lighting will take place at 5:45 pm.
Friday evening services will take place at 6:03 pm in the chapel and 8:00 pm in the chapel
Shabbos services will take place Saturday morning, in the main sanctuary, at 9:00 am.
Weekly Parsha
Ellis Simon will be chanting the Haftorah this week.
This Shabbos, the Tsadick on the Bimah will be Beverly Krosky.
Saturday evening services will take place at 6:00 pm in the chapel.
For the upcoming week of Sunday, October 25, 2015 – Saturday, October 31, 2015, corresponding to 12 Heshvan – 18 Heshvan, the following Yahrzeits will be observed:
Elias Feinsod, Jacob Croland, Meyer Spitzer, Edward Skydell, Lena Belsky, Bessie Lepifky, Edward Rappaport, Milton Kronick, Harold Greenberg, Anna Hendelman, Lillian Iasaacson, Katie Schwartz, Ben Berke, Dora Lobman, Oscar Geller, Jean Ronick, Joseph Silberman, Bernice Sharf, Sylvia Spund, Florence Mason, Morris Smith, Jacqueline Morgenbesser, Herbert Knopp, and Michael Daniels
Good Shabbos.